Oxford House offers self-help for recovery without relapse to members addicted to drugs and alcohol.
Each Oxford House offers a proven, effective, and low-cost method for preventing relapse.

Click Here: Read What Members Say About Oxford House

Our Goal Is To Provide Safe And Supportive Housing
For Individuals In Recovery.

This goal is honored, day-by-day, house-by-house, in West Virginia and in each of our 2,900+ homes nationwide.
Each house operates as a supportive, self-sufficient, democratically run home for individuals committed to
independence in their daily lives and lasting freedom from addiction.

How Do I Join An Oxford House?

Call, Apply, Interview


Click here and search through our list of houses to see which ones have vacancies. You will also find contact information here.

Find A House


Using the contact information for the house you’ve chosen, call and set up an interview. The houses are self-supporting and democratically run. Each house conducts its own interviews and votes on admitting new members.

Move In


Once you’ve been accepted, pack your things and move on in! Each house provides beds and furniture. Each member is responsible for personal hygiene products, clothes, and food. Welcome to Oxford House!

Thinking About Returning To Oxford House?

Some of our former members find that they need to return for the support Oxford House offers.
Please click here to set up an interview.

This page will lead you to a list of houses and vacancies.

Please select the house you are interested in, contact them, and set up an interview.
When you are ready, Oxford House is here for you.